Amazon Awareness Month
August is Amazon Awareness month!
Every August I celebrate strong women who are making positive impacts in my life and the lives of others. Who is a Amazon you may ask? Well they are everywhere! An Amazon is a positive and strong woman. She faces adversity and seeks to change the world for the better. Amazons are our mothers, sisters, friends and teachers. They fight for us and for what is right.
This August I ask for YOU, yes you! To join me in taking the Chainmail Challenge. All you need to do is to select a woman who has made a powerful impact in your life. Then you are going to show her some appreciation by composing a love letter. This display of affection may be a handwritten letter, a small gift, a handcrafted item such as artwork, or a video.
Share with me who you are celebrating and how through social media. Included the tag, #ChainmailChallenge so that I may see the love that you are spreading! With this challenge I hope to inspire you to strengthen your bonds. It is my mission to celebrate women and all that they do for each other. Lift up the women in your life. We need more positivity, strength and love in this world. So take the #Chainmailchallenge this month and don’t forget to share with me and challenge others.
I hope you enjoyed this video and please share it on your social media sites. How will you choose to honor the Amazons in your life? Share with me a comment below.
Long may you reign, Amazon!
Jennifer Amazon
More about Jennifer Amazon:
IG: JenniferAmazon
Youtube: JenniferAmazon